We were participating on project named 4EUclusion in the days between 23rd and 29th October placed in Vrchlabí, the city of the Czech Republic. It was mainly focused on inclusion of minorities, people with disabilities and integration.
There 25 young people from Czech Republic, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Romania met. As it`s usual for the youth exchanges, the first two days were full of name games, ice breakers and team buildings activities. Then came up activities About human rights. Learning what is the idea behind it, which rights those are and why should everyone respect them as like everyone is born with them and they belong to them no matter the country of origin, race, sexual orientation or his disabilities. After that, we did a couple activities to find out the stereotypes of nationalities, ethnical minorities and people with disabilities and how to prevent conflicts about them, also there were activities which showed us the power of inclusion/exclusion. In one of them we were divided in 5 tables to roll the dices all without talking between us. The trick was that after each round two people of every group changed the table without knowing that everyone of them has rules at their table that are a little bit different. The aim of it was to experience the process of integration on your own skin.
The other topic was active citizenship. We got to know that part of it is participating in elections, protesting, volunteering or care about the environment.
It was the great experience to meet all these people from different countries and learn about their culture, languages and habits. But the most valuable exchange was the one of ideas and opinions. The side effect of it was improving of english skills and self confidence.