"We had the opportunity to see how it is to speak in front of an audience, to prepare a workshop for them and to learn by doing. We´re in the process of developing ourselves more and more. Starting the day with an energiser and ending it with reflection in groups make us feel comfortable and appreciated. We`ve learnt about us, about others and about us in relation with others. We successfully pointed out: empathy, teamwork, acceptance and the most important, love." - Lexi
This was a project about us, about our cultures and countries. It is easy to konw each other when all of us have a special conection which leads to friendship for life. Inclusion, immigration, human rights, stereotypes, diversity were the topics. We have just discovered a lot more than we have already knew. So we are more capable to spread the informations all over the world for those People who need it."
This experience has been truly enlightning.
We unfortunately have to leave this beautiful town and fascinating people. But we don’t go home empty-handed, we have another epic experience to add to our book of life, we are definitely happier and we take off with much broader insights about diversity, integration and inclusion. Our hearts are genuinely bigger and more opened to the world and all of its inhabitants.
We believe that there should be many more projects like this, in order to create more awareness on everyone’s minds, and connect everyone’s hearts.
-PT Team, Citizens of the world.
Throughout the last week we experienced how any kind of boundary represented by different languages, backgrounds, cultures can be easily overcome and re-shaped in order to achieve common aims. - Riccardo